Friday, February 1, 2019

                              Vaastu Purush- The Myth

It all started when Lord Brahma created The Universe and was experimenting to make some creatures. He thought that a ”man” would be the best option for this and so he created a man. But this was no ordinary man, he was huge and had enormous powers to grow. Soon after his creation the man started growing.
As time passed, he became extremely huge and with his size, his hunger also increased. He started to eat anything and everything that came his way. In no time he became so big that his shadow had cast a permanent eclipse on earth.
This whole episode was enough for Shiva and Vishnu to be enraged. They immediately rushed to God Brahma and requested him to stop the man from spreading chaos. God Brahma understood that he has made a terrible mistake and he needs to rectify it. But the man was too powerful for God Brahma, hence he requested the Gods of eight directions (Astha Dikapalakas) to come and help him.
Upon hearing his request, Gods came for rescue, they grabbed the man and overpowered him. They pinned the man against ground with his head in North-East and legs in South-West direction. During all this event God Brahma jumped into the center and held the man down.
Going through all this the “Man” started crying and asked God Brahma, “Why are you doing this to me?”, “You have created me and now why this treatment is done to me?”
As soon as the”man” realised that he has been pinned down he started to cry and asked God Brahma “You created me, and now you are doing this treatment to me? What’s my fault?” Hearing his question God Brahma thought for a moment and answered “I know it's not your fault, but you have become a threat to everyone. I don’t want to destroy what I have created and hence you have to remain like this forever.”
“But what’s my benefit in all this?” the man asked. Brahma said “I will make you immortal and all mortal people who build any sort of structure on earth will worship you. You can tease, devour and trouble these people if they don’t worship you and don’t keep you happy. You will be present in all lands and you are from now onwards known as Vaastu Purush”. To this deal,  Vaastu Purush agreed and became an inseparable part of earth forever.
Actually this story tells us about balancing of  chaos emerged due to interaction of geostatic forces and cosmic waves; as the universe is created and maintained by Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv as they are quantum aspects 
(aspects of God)  so  it was ascertained  by them for humans to perform Vaastu worship- telepathic use of energy to balance this menace in sole interest of world.
Seems interesting !-  true - wisdom!

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                               Vaastu Purush- The Myth It all started when Lord Brahma created The Universe and was experimenting to mak...